Although COVID-19 has put the world on lockdown and everyone has shifted to remote working, it is still business as usual for the KYC Portal team at Finopz. Our priority as always, is towards the well-being and support to our customers, therefore we have taken certain measures to continue to serve our clients and partners during this unprecedented period.
Since all teams are working from home, our KYC Portal training materials are now easily available to all our clients, via our Online Cabinet EDMS. Our team of Business Analysts are continuously working and connecting online with clients to configure and digitise their due diligence processes within KYC Portal.
With regards to new clients being on-boarded during this time, deployments and installations are being scheduled on a weekly basis. All product demos are being held live via an online conference call, so get in touch with us today to schedule yours.
We want you to know that the entire KYC Portal team is behind you, and throughout this crisis, we will continue to do everything in our power to support you and your business.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch, to learn how we can collaborate during these challenging times.
#kycportal #workingremotely #connectingwithclients #onboardingnewclients #installations #deployments #configurations #covid19 #stayhome #staysafe  
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